The circumstances under which Thevini (known then as Thevinara) came into the world were a striking divergence from the Nymphonian norm, an event that is reflected in, if the cause of, all the rest of her life. She was born to a Nymphonian Apsara who had her fertility restored so as to have and raise a child with her Vistoran lover, resulting in one of the first prominent Nymphonian half-bloods since the Black Matron, and one of the few "native" Nymphonians to spend a significant portion of her upbringing in a foreign country. This similarity came to define much of her early childhood, as she revered the legacy of the lost Aphroarch and the balking of typical Nymphonian orthoprax that she represented.
When her father was killed in a targeted bombing of him and his colleagues, she and her mother returned to live in the Viosphere of Eurydice with the rest of their Nymphonian brethren; there, Thevinara found it immensely difficult to emotionally sync with the culture of the Nymphonians, treating the Sympath with ambivalence and resenting the pervasive collectivism of Nymphonian society. Her only refuge rested in the stories and accounts of the Aphroarch Tenivrea and her exceptional individualism and nonconformity, up until she met Siylvea (known then as Siylvara). Her first true friend even in the inclusive embrace of Neonymphonia, Thevini became deeply attached to the Aphroarch-in-waiting and swore to dedicate her life in service to Siylvea.
When it was discovered that she harbored a truly immense psionic potential, one of the highest ever witnessed in any non-Aphroarch, she chose to become a Seirena at her Phyletic Selection, so as best to put her remarkable skills to use. Alas, the spirit of exclusion remained, unrelenting and cruel. Only two years into her tenure, Seirena Thevini then spontaneously Severed her connection to the Sympath and fled her home, telling not a soul and disappearing into the only place outside of Neonymphonia she was familiar with; the dense and sprawling urban sectors of Vistora.
Foreboding and crime-ridden it may have been, yet Vistora was where Thevini truly felt most at home. Her excursion to rescue Dolarea's daughter had given her a taste for it, the place of her birth, where ambition and an unbridled sort of freedom soared as high as the stratoscrapers. Far more street-savvy than anybody might have guessed of a Nymphonian, she took to the warrens with ease, joining the Elves of Vistora—a prominent and powerful criminal Association chiefly comprising various psionics-wielders, including no small number of like-minded ex-Nymphonians—and within several years rising to the very apex of their hierarchy.
Over a decade passed without contact between Thevini and her former companions, during which the criminal queenpin kept her organisation rising in tandem with the Orcs and Dwarves, their longtime rivals. All this time, she continued to amass wealth, power, notoriety, prestige... and heartache so gnawing no quantity of the prior could possibly remedy it. Even in this land she loved, she suffered without those whom she loved. As such, when the

(c. 462 PT)
Sig Other(s):
Thevini (/θɛˈviːni/)
428 PT
Viosphere Eurydice
Neonymphonia, ONI, Elves of Vistora
Agnostic Sympathism
Feiro Cotom (Lover)
Eosisi (mother)
Sa Na Raiz (father)
twelfth year of her absence arrived and brought with it her dearest Siylvea on the Fae Reclaim, Thevini put up a resistance to her persuasion only for the emotional catharsis of making such a choice once more. This time, her choice was for certain, and within short order she returned to the side of her Aphroarch as Seirena, older, wiser, and with a more tempered and positive outlook on her life.
In stark contrast to the genteel politeness and modest mannerisms of most other Nymphonians, Thevini is blunt, sarcastic, and crass in her speech and behavior. She makes frequent and thorough use of profanity in nearly every language she speaks, and intentionally acts in a somewhat impudent fashion regardless of the situation she is in, this being the most ostensible result of her foreign upbringing in a roughly-edged individualist society, her veneration of idiosyncratic Aphroarchs, and her years spent as a member and leader of a powerful street gang. Nevertheless, though she more often than not comes across as somewhat rude or insouciant, her irreverent speech and impertinent behavior reflects neither an actual lack of respect nor shallow contrarianism, but rather a deep-seated fear of losing her individuality amongst her fellow Nymphonians, whom she loves immensely yet still views as somewhat alien. Further past the surface, however, she is an incredibly loyal companion who would never abandon a friend in a time of need. Though the breadth of her knowledge is limited primarily to what interests her and rarely beyond, she is an acutely cunning warrior and clever tactician, demonstrating uncanny skills in evaluation and problem-solving.
She is profoundly fond of exhilarating, often dangerous activities that require skillful maneuvering to handle, avoid, or escape, often along the lines of high-velocity vehicular sports. As such, she very often organises vehicle races with her Iodhatar and Seireni colleagues, and loves little more than flying over and through beautiful landscapes with her Phaethoptera Wings. Along these lines, she also owns and covets an expensive Vistoran Omnicycle, which she still occasionally uses as transport for entertainment's sake. She loves listening to and creating music, having convinced several of her musically gifted fellow Seirenes to form a band with her, despite "bands" being an anomalous occurrence in Neonymphonia. Early on, her rebellious personality often resulted in her acting the troublemaker, but in the span of her adulthood she has matured considerably; nevertheless, she still possesses a defiant streak. She is also a highly experienced drinker, adept at using her Nymphonian physique to consume immense quantities of alcohol with minimal deleterious side effects.
Many of Thevini's more advanced skills were cultivated during her time as queenpin of the Elves gang in Vistora, a phenomenon that is reflected in her fighting style, techniques, and equipment. Her primary weapon is her Cosmeon, a partizan armed with a projected blade of energetic hardlight retrofitted to function as a psionic amplifier as well as a lethal weapon, viable in both melee and ranged situations, thanks to her ability to use it to project a piercing stream of energy capable of tracking and eliminating targets with extreme precision. Over her head is often fixated her Diadema Eideos, a levitating halo-like object that focuses and hones her unusually potent precognitive abilities for use in combat. She also wears a modified suit that houses, among other features, her famous IDRA (Inertial Dampening Reaction Accelerator) Phaethoptera, a device utilizing wing-shaped nodules and blades of light that allows her to fly and accelerate to extremely high velocities without suffering the effects of extreme anisometric inertia. With this array of unique equipment, her fighting style is one of extreme surgical precision, utilizing her blinding speed and preternatural perception to target her opponent's weaknesses.