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Novalunar Colonies
In the wake of the Arrival, the colonists of Novaluna One wasted no time in pursuing the solidification of human presence upon the moon. Carried aboard the Ad Astra were the resources for no more than five initial colonies, but as the first five they would serve as the seeds for many more. Formally designated as XCLs (Extrasolar Colony Locations) in the order of their founding, as models they set a precedent all other subsequent colonies would follow.
XCL-I Global Expeditionary Base
XCL-I was the very first habitable colony established on the surface of Novaluna, and as the commensurate first security base, was tasked with the duties of expedition. In the short term, this equated to scouting out other potential colony locations. In the long term, this entailed exploring the furthest reaches of Novaluna as well as acting as a global guarantor of Novalunar security, from whence its name SkyFortress originates.
XCL-II Naval Security Base
Established at the bitterly cold, yet otherwise safe and geographically advantageous, tip of a northern fjord, XCL-II is the premier projector of naval military presence around the coast of the population-heavy Sea of Prosperity, and elsewhere around the world in support of XCL-I. Its name Northcom pertains to its northerly locale and its role in coordinating important maritime traffic.
XCL-III COntinental Security Base West
"The Jungle"
The third of Novaluna's primary security facilities, XCL-III was assigned the daunting task of exploring and establishing a capable human presence on the western continent of Saveria, including deep into its wild interior, far beyond potential outside support. Its name, the Jungle describes not only the literal dense rainforest on the edge of which it is situated, but also the vast, untamed, and dangerous wilderness that is its realm.
XCL-IV COntinental Security Base East
"Dust Devil"
Similarly to its western counterpart, XCL-IV's remit was to be the land-based security and expedition force of the eastern continent of Sepideia. And, like XCL-III, it faced a formidable challenge it managed to overcome nevertheless. Dust Devil was soon adopted as its name in description of the vast, windswept deserts to its south, as well as its inhospitable surroundings; hence why it never grew far beyond a military base.
XCL-V Habitation Facility
"The Exclave"
Of all the 27 colonies established on Novaluna, none ever exceeded XCL-V in importance. Established as the first non-military colony, its role as the primary centre for home, work, leisure, and life led to it becoming Novaluna's first city and de-facto capital. The Exclave derives from an acronymic pronunciation of its designation title, as well as its function as a haven and second cradle of human civilisation.
XCL-VI Auxiliary Spaceport
"Genesis Landing"
Although SkyFortress and the Exclave had their own appended spaceports for interface with the Ad Astra, XCL-VI was the first colony founded specifically to facilitate orbital launches. Its importance followed the conversion of the Ad Astra into a static orbital space station dubbed Genesis Station in honour of its role in carrying humanity to another world, and was thus named Genesis Landing in parallel.
XCL-VII Maritime Facility
"Port Liber"
XCL-VII is remarkable for having been Novaluna's first Venture Colony; a colony that, albeit with the blessing and support of mission planners, was founded primarily on the initiative of private groups and individuals. As a freewheeling trade entrepot and transshipment port committed to maritime commerce, its spirit of freedom is codified in its name of Port Liber and the frontier liberty it symbolises.
XCL-IIX Pansarcid Research Station
"Heart's Node"
XCL-IIX, aside from establishing Novaluna One's unconventional Roman numeral system, was the first of many planned research stations dedicated to studying Novaluna and the wider pursuit of science. Based on the fringe of the Heart of the World, the moon's largest pansarcid mega-colony, Heart's Node represented the first link between humanity and this remarkable form of native life.
XCL-IX Commercial Facility
"Seraph City"
While the Exclave and Port Liber both provided environs quite amicable to the growth of private enterprise, constraints of space and infrastructure as well as a simple desire to expand led to the creation of XCL-IX, a Venture Colony slated to become another hub for habitation and prosperity. In honour of its lead founder Iosina Seraph and her pioneering company Seraph Tech, it was thence entitled Seraph City.
XCL-X Greatland Research Station
XCL-X was, as its formal label reveals, initially founded for the purpose of researching the local greatland biome. However, its sunny climes, safe conditions, beautiful local environment, and many sightseeing attractions—the source of its name Summereve—soon led to its development into Novaluna's first major tourist destination, a role that fast outstripped its original purpose and set a major precedent in colony development.
XCL-XI Moon Forest Research Station
"New Aevia"
Continuing the trend of certain colonies growing far out of their original designations, XCL-XI ceased being solely a research station for moon forests very soon after its establishment, a fact embraced and encouraged by mission planners. Given its rapid development into yet another fully-fledged city of many facets, it was termed New Aevia in reference to the fantastic civilisation of the Novalunar neo-mythos.
XCL-XII Cultural Facility
"Imperial Square"
At this point anticipating, even depending on the expansion of colonies beyond their founding missions, the creators of XCL-XII instead set out with a broader purpose in mind; the collation and preservation of Old Earth's culture, and the fostering of Novaluna's burgeoning native culture. Titled Imperial Square in mind of this lofty goal, it soon became the fifth of the Sea of Prosperity's five major centres of Novalunar life.
XCL-XIII Desert Research Station
"Oasis Brink"
Unlike many of its counterparts, XCL-XIII was never expected to grow beyond its sphere; its location on the edge of one of Novaluna's largest and harshest deserts was considered assurance of that. Either way, it was never allowed to develop in such a direction, for it also became the location of many clandestine administrative and military activities, all contributing to an air of mystery that led to its name, Oasis Brink.
XCL-XIV Civilian Spaceport
When the pace of human activity on Novaluna truly began to swell, it became clear that much more launch capacity was needed to satisfy rocketing commercial demand. Like Genesis Landing, XCL-XIV is first and foremost a dedicated spaceport, albeit with the many auxiliary support functions this requisites. In recognition of the great wealth its launch towers bring down from the heavens, it was named Goldtower.
XCL-XV Marine Research Station
"Isle Nereis"
Following the trend set by its predecessor, Summereve, XCL-XV was established as a scientific research station that, thanks to its tropical locale and vast reefs teeming with life, quickly became a mecca for tourism. Furthermore, its status as the first major population centre beyond the Sea of Prosperity led to it development as an important port. Its name, Isle Nereis, is in reference to the nereid sea-nymphs of Greek legend.
XCL-XVI Volcanic Research Station
"System 16"
Due in no small part to its grim surroundings, inherent to the job of studying volcanic biomes that have become bywords for unpleasant conditions, XCL-XVI is considered a dour place to live. Despite this, it has also come to play a very important role in Novalunar society, hosting many critical services on its extensive geothermally-powered computation network, System 16, metonymous also for the colony itself.
XCL-XVII Jungle Research Station
While the label purpose of XCL-XVII as a station for researching rainforests has been faithfully adhered to since it was created, the site of its founding made abundantly clear that it was also a premise for opening up the narrow isthmus separating the two continents with canals, thus permitting maritime traffic. In these roles it has excelled while keeping the surrounding ecosystems pristine, hence its name Greengrove.
XCL-XIIX Deep Sea Research Station
"The Plunge"
With Novaluna One's long-term scientific endeavours greatly expanding in ambition and wherewithal, XCL-XIIX represented the next step in colony formation. Easily the costliest single colony project up to that point, its construction atop a seamount far beneath the ocean surface was itself a marvel of modern science and engineering. Its name the Plunge refers not only to its physical depth, but the commitment it exhibits.
XCL-XIX Industrial Facility
As the human population on Novaluna expanded, so also did the need for manufacturing capacity, which became an increasing struggle to meet. Concerns over safety and ecological impact put land space—the primary constraint—at a premium, one alleviated with the creation of XCL-XIX, reserved for large-scale industry. Its name, Redwater, is simply derived from the local rivers coloured red by microorganisms.
XCL-XX Fogmire Research Station
"Praxis Mar"
Its history a cautionary tale of Novaluna, XCL-XX very nearly became the first major failure to establish a stable colony. Although not technically a Venture Colony, XCL-XX was heavily funded and supported by Malon Praxis, owner of Praxis Enterprises. Often rightly suspected of being Malon's vanity project, XCL-XX was eventually finished to his crippling expense, a bankrupting fiscal mire to which it owes the name Praxis Mar.
XCL-XXI Military Spaceport
"Solar Scepter"
The approval and establishment process of XCL-XXI was undoubtedly one of the most controversial in Novalunar history, due to it being a massively expensive military facility and the first dedicated security base created since the initial four. Built to provide Novalunar security forces with reserved spacefaring infrastructure and cement their orbital presence, it received the title Solar Scepter in recognition of this.
XCL-XXII Agronomic Facility
"Manor Fields"
Food on Novaluna, though far from scarce, was both expensive and lacking in variety, due to much of it being from Earth organisms cultivated in carefully enclosed facilities. With the development of native organisms for consumption came the opportunity for far cheaper agriculture, for which XCL-XXII was specifically created. Manor Fields, as it was dubbed, thus became the source of most food for humans inhabiting Novaluna.
XCL-XXIII Thunderstone Research Station
"Three-Core Grid"
Having the dubious distinction of rivaling only System 16 and the Tubes for general unpopularity to live in or visit, XCL-XXIII is likewise nevertheless important to Novalunar life. While it continues to fulfill its purpose in researching thunderstone biomes, it chiefly exports both energy storage devices and energy itself in great quantities; the name of the colony itself, Three-Core Grid, comes from its network.
XCL-XXIV Academic Facility
"Zenith Point"
Given the proliferation and success of Novaluna's many centres of scientific research, commensurate was the need for a place of higher learning to collate it all and perform the abstract theorywork they eschewed. Thus was established XCL-XXIV, an academic campus dedicated to harmonising and greatly bolstering the work of all other such institutions on Novaluna. Zenith Point speaks to its place at the apex of scholarship.
XCL-XXV Extractive Facility
"Glisten Ridge"
Paralleling the rising material demands and ensuing responses of the Novalunar populace was the increase in need for raw inorganic feedstock. Though concern over environmental impact existed, the creation of XCL-XXV assuaged much of this; usage of state-of-the-art technologies allotted high-volume extraction and process with minimal harm. Glisten Ridge refers to the colony's role in pioneering metallurgy.
XCL-XXVI Polar Research Station
"The Tubes"
Exemplifying the shift of Novaluna One's centralised scientific authorities to long-term concerns and foci of interest, XCL-XXVI was established to study long-term climatic changes on Novaluna and explore its natural history. Anchored to the seabed near the south pole and floating just a few dozen metres below the surface to conserve energy and avoid sea ice, its name the Tubes derives from the geometry of its construction.
XCL-XXVII Psionics Research Station
"Mirum Coast"
The final colony to be given approval on Novaluna, XCL-XXVII is a Venture Colony founded chiefly by the Mirum Psionics corporation as a location dedicated wholly to researching the nascent science of psionics. Equipped with its governing company's formidable R&D budget, it fast established itself as the worldwide locus of psionic advancement, a fact well codified by its name, Mirum Coast.