"Hello, and good awakening. Intrepid and admirable men and women, once of Earth, now of a world hitherto untouched by human hands, today you have awoken from a spell of suspended animation spanning no fewer than four decades of your life. During that time, your ship, the Ad Astra, has carried you on a one-way journey nearly twelve light-years away from your former home. It is improbable you will ever return. For you are not here to vacation, or to visit. You are not here on a curious whim or flight of fancy. You are here as volunteers willing to dedicate your lives to pushing the boundaries of knowledge, to expanding the horizons of humankind, to proving that what we are capable of is only limited to the span of possibility. This world is your home now. It is yours, to do with as you see fit. I can now only hope you all will be stewards humanity is proud to call its own."
"Welcome, travellers, to Novaluna One."