Born on the very day after the Aphroarch to which he would be betrothed, as is traditional and intended by the Sympath, Ariston's (known then as Aristor) early childhood in the Viosphere of Aro highlighted him as a remarkable and unique boy. As befitting his assignment, his biology and psionic potential were profound; however, his personality is what truly gained him notoriety across Neonymphonia. Incorrigibly mischievous, his good-humored, if rather vexing antics and gregarious sociability even as a Nymphonian brought him widespread attention.
When at last presented with his duty as the future Adonarch of Neonymphonia, his formerly carefree and almost indolent demeanor was faced with the sudden burden of obligations carrying enormous significance, and for a woman for whom he harbored immense passion, adoration, and dedication as well. His initial response was to hide the resulting emotional turmoil behind a facade of continued indifference, a decision that only caused further friction between him and Siylvara. Time, experience, and a critical turning point in his emotional maturation soon resolved such conflict, denoting him as ready to begin his service as Adonarch. Never to abandon his Aphroarch, he is always a major fixture in every adventure undertaken by Aphroarch Siylvea.
Personable, good-natured, spirited, puckish, and incredibly charismatic, Ariston is famous for his ability to get along with virtually anybody. Nearly all aspects of personality contribute to his consummate charm, winning him the hearts and minds of many without even the slightest intervention of his substantial psionic abilities. Sometimes mischievously playful, sometimes nonchalantly cavalier, sometimes blithely laid-back, each and every one of Ariston's charming personae are no less natural and genuine than any other, all a testament to his gregarious, if rather chameleon-like, personality. Nevertheless, behind his cheery, almost juvenile façade, he wields a wields a razor-sharp intellect seldom fully expressed in the open.
As this facet of his character is so often underestimated, it is yet another dimension to his unparalleled social skills. Though he, as a point of principle, stops short of outright manipulation, he is highly cognisant of his persuasive abilities and is prepared to abuse them should a critical situation call for it. Toward Siylvea his emotions delve yet deeper and sprawl yet wider; he loves her with every iota of his being, and his loyalty and devotion to her are boundless. Though their interactions superficially resemble that of misbehavior on his part and exasperation on hers, their shared affinity is immense and inexorable, a manifestation of the great affection they have for one another.

(c. 462 PT)
Sig Other(s):
Ariston (/ˈaristɔːn/)
430 PT
Viosphere Aro
Neonymphonia, ONI
Communally Birthed
Possessing powers unrivaled by any Nymphonian save the Devarchi herself, Ariston is a true force to be reckoned with. His fighting style, as a grandmaster of Rhivma martial-arts, is one of agile movement and ferocious striking, wielded in concert with naught but several psionic amplifiers concealed as rings, bracelets, pendants, and other forms of surreptitious jewelry, forgoing any sort of weapon, armor, or obvious implement when fighting. His particular psionic specialty is one of space-time manipulation, using instantaneous, short-range Transpositions to great effect and distorting time in many ways to aide in his ordinary energetic attacks. He is also profoundly skilled with mind-to-mind syneidetic techniques, able to project vivid illusions and initiate takeovers on all but the strongest of minds.